Message from the President

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support of the Hirose Group.

Since its founding in 1938, our company has developed as a corporate group that plays a major role in the establishment of social infrastructure through our businesses including heavy temporary steel construction structure, reinforced earth method work, underground work and tower cranes. We strive for further growth to remain a group that can maintain a strong presence.

In response to the many natural disasters which have occurred in recent years, Hirose Group has been doing its upmost to contribute to the early recovery of affected communities. Our mission is to provide the people with peace of mind and safety in their lives.

With our philosophy that "we continue to support a prosperous society through high-quality, reliable technology and well-honed on-site capabilities," Hirose Group will improve our technological and on-site capabilities. Furthermore, as a company trusted by our customers, we will devote ourselves to achieving a secure and safe life of the people. We would appreciate your further continued support.

Representative Director, Chairman and President

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